Talk on 20th November 2019

On November 20th, Gillian Hovell talked to members about “Pompeii – Romans face-to-face”. This fascinating and well-illustrated talk concerned the AD79 eruption of Mount Vesuvius that destroyed Pompeii, Herculaneum and other Italian towns. The talk focussed on envisaging how Romans lived at that time, based on the compelling evidence from the preserved towns, buildings, frescos, mosaics and other artefacts. Gillian brought the inhabitants back to life for us, through the changing ways that their houses were decorated and furnished to impress their peers. The various images of individual citizens demonstrated their personalities, and Gillian described them beautifully as people we would have related to.

There will be no Probus talks during December, with members attending our annual Christmas events that include a Christmas Lunch and a Carol Concert.