This page lists all the events that we will plan to undertake. You can select any particular type of event by using the “Categories” pull-down list immediately below.
Access details to site will be provided later but will require photo ID, preferably a passport; an alternative is a birth certificate plus a driving licence
Lunch afterwards at Station Hotel, Birstwith
Coordination on the day will be by John Dixon
He may not be under a Leicester car park any more, but Maria Leotta will be talking about some of the many remaining questions regarding the reign of Richard III.
The President has agreed that members’ wives and/or partners would be very welcome at this meeting. However, please let the President or Secretary know if you expect to be accompanied.
A roughly 4 mile walk from Brearton to the Scotton area and return. Meet at the Malt Shovel at 10:00 for a 10:15 start; lunch is booked from 1pm
Alex Degier takes a look at the history of his house and its ownership and the family histories of some of the people that have lived there. An ordinary house in an ordinary town but with some extraordinary connections.
The November informal lunch will take place at The Orchid, a pan-Asian restaurant in the Studley Hotel on Swan Road ( The food choices will be from the “Express Menu” (page 10 of the main menu downloadable from the restaurant’s website)
Christmas is coming, and John Butterwick has some timely advice!
Walk details yet to be confirmed
The traditional Christmas walk and lunch – details of route and timing are still to be confirmed but will probably be a circuit of Swinsty Reservoir followed by lunch at the Nelson Inn on the A59